More than 35 people from around the shire showed up at the monthly council meeting in Gingin on Tuesday August 18th to voice their anger about the Shire’s proposal to close both the Lancelin Golf and Bowls Clubs.
The proposal came out of nowhere on Friday and was due to be voted through without incident, however, the enormous public backlash resulted in the shire meeting with representatives from both clubs before the council meeting to discuss the issue.
In the end, the Shire amended the recommendation and voted to retain both of the Lancelin sports clubs as long as they “remain sustainable”. They’ve been sustainable for nearly 40 years so this rider should present no hurdle to both clubs.
A number of councillors acknowledged the solid community support for the clubs has been evident over the preceding 4 days and the Shire and the community have both agreed to work together to ensure a successful outcome.
To all those who got behind the movement, the town thanks you.